"Eletta Campana" is a historic Italian variety, cultivated for centuries throughout Italy but especially in Campania.
It is genetics is developed to produce fiber but is now chosen for the production of inflorescences and extracted biomass (CBD).
It produces satisfactory quantities of seeds also.
This variety is characterized by the anthesis of late female flowering which makes it suitable for the cultivation area of the southern regions. Another morphological character that unequivocally distinguishes the variety from similar ones is the size of the leaves, which appear to have one of the largest laminae.
Below is a list of the main features:
Genotype: Dioica
Climate adaptability: North, Central, and Southern Europe; North and South America
Vegetative cycle: 160/180 days
Height: 2.5 - 6.5 meters
Full bloom: August
The average yield in seeds Kg/ha: 400 - 600
The average yield in round bales T / ha: 8 - 12
The average yield in inflorescences ** (dry biomass) Kg/ha: 600-1000
THC: <0.2%
CBD *: 3-10%
The seed, if stored in a cool and dry place, retains the germination capability for the following year as well.
!Price includes delivery within the EU!
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