
"Finola" is a dioecious, photo-independent variety developed in Finland since 1995.

It is genetically dedicated to the production of seeds for food use but is also used for the production of inflorescences or biomass for extraction (CBD)

Below is a list of the main features:

Genotype: Dioica

Climate adaptability: Boreal, Continental, and Oceanic

Vegetative cycle: 100/120 days

Height: 1 - 2 meters

Full female flowering: 60 days from sowing

The average yield in seeds kg/ha: 500-1000

The average yield in round bales T / ha: 3-5

The average yield in inflorescences ** (dry biomass): Kg/ha: 400-800

THC: <0.2%

CBD *: 2-6%

!Price includes delivery inside the EU!

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