Selected Carmagnola
CE-certified hemp seeds (Cannabis sativa L.) of the Selected Carmagnola variety.
Genotype: Selected Carmagnola
Country of production: Italy
Selected Carmagnola was developed to increase the percentage of long fiber contained in the stem of the Carmagnola variety, in order to promote the Italian textile hemp supply chain in a 2001 project.
This variety is therefore identical to the "mother" variety Carmagnola in terms of vigor, crop cycle, and of structure.
Below is a list of the main features:
Genotype: Dioica
Climate adaptability: North, Central, Southern Europe, North-Central-South America
Vegetative cycle: 160/180 days
Height: 2.5 - 6.5 meters
Full bloom: August
The average yield in seeds Kg/ha: 400 - 600
The average yield in round bales T / ha: 10 - 15
The average yield in inflorescences ** (dry biomass) Kg/ha: 600-1000
THC: <0.2%
CBD *: 3-10%
Price includes delivery within the EU
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