CE-certified industrial hemp seeds (Cannabis sativa L.) of the Tiborzellasi variety.
"Tiborszallasi" is a Hungarian variety, grown all over Europe.
It is genetics developed to produce fiber but is now chosen for the production of inflorescences and extracted biomass (CBD). It produces satisfactory quantities of seeds also.
Below is a list of the main features:
Genotype: Tiborszallasi
Country of production: Bulgaria
Genotype: Dioica
Climate adaptability: North, Central, and Southern Europe
Vegetative cycle: 140-160 days
Height: 2.5 - 4.5 meters
Full bloom: August
The average yield in seeds Kg/ha: 500 - 800
The average yield in round bales T / ha: 10-12
The average yield in inflorescences ** (dry biomass) Kg/ha: 600-1500
THC: <0.2%
CBD *: 2-10%
!Price includes delivery within the EU!
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